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زمان کنونی: 2024/06/26, 10:02 PM

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رمان ترکس- حال کودکان خوب است

نویسنده پیام

ارسال‌ها: 647
تاریخ عضویت: Jul 2013
اعتبار: 646.0
ارسال: #3
RE: رمان ترکس- حال کودکان خوب است
[size=13px]2. How The Case Began


When Elena joined Shinra, Cliff Resort was already a long-forgotten retreat. The rugged landscape, which looked as though giants had haphazardly piled up boulders, was definitly unusual. The numerous lodges built using the natural steps of the terrain might have added some colour to the scenery. But once you got used to it, there was nothing else there. You visit once and take a couple of souvenir photos, and that's enough. There's little point in returning a second time. The Shinra Company had resorts all over the world, but anyone would agree this one was a non-starter.
“I mean, really—”
Just two years ago, the Shinra Company controlled most of the world. It didn't sit well with Elena that the president, who had been at the top of that empire, should now have to spend his days in such a desolate place as this. He's in poor health. For security reasons, it would be safer to be away from the cities. However, as it is still about a two hour drive to and from the cities it makes it easy for the staff to commute. There were several reasons behind it, but it didn't change the fact it was a dull place. The name had been changed from Cliff Resort to Healin at the president's suggestion, but that didn't mean anything had actually changed here.
Nothing happens here. In the square there were several benches, where the people suffering from Geostigma were sitting around, talking and laughing, some of them focusing on getting better while putting up with the pain. The same as yesterday, and tomorrow will probably follow suit. Not even the weather changed much.


“Elena is looking bored,” said Rufus Shinra to his subordinate Tseng as he walked away from the window of the lodge.
“I would like to be moving on to the next project—” Rufus paused and struggled to return to his wheelchair.
“Yes, sir. I will tell Elena shortly. However, I intend to keep this from Reno and Rude for now. This new project is more exciting, I fear if they knew the details their work in the city would end up getting cast aside.”
“Very well. Have you gathered intel on Jenova?”
“Not yet, sir.”
Jenova, a monstrous being which arrived from outer space. Nobody knew what form it was in now. Is it a withered fragment of flesh, or is it taking the appearance of some bizarre creature. But Tseng believed that if it were somewhere nearby—as either a mound of flesh or a creature—then they would surely know about it.
“By the way, sir, what are your plans once we locate it?”
“My father—” Rufus Shinra answered, with his eyes gazing off into the distance. “He set his sights on the Lifestream flowing within the planet, called it mako energy and packaged it for the masses. Mako changed the industrial structure of the day at its very foundations, and mankind obtain prosperity the likes of which it had never known.”
“With the immense fortune and power he gained, and even if he was lining his own pockets to some degree, my father invested most of it into new fields. On a massive scale, and devoid of ethics. And one of those was the research of and experimentation on Jenova. Eventually this bore a monster named Sephiroth—”
Sephiroth. That monster, a hybrid of human and Jenova, possessed a fathomless prowess in battle. His show of power on the battlefield lead to him becoming lauded as a hero. However, his heart was not as strong as his body. When the hero learnt of his birth he avowed his heritage as the son of Jenova, and as a result went mad. He revolted against the company, and what's more sought the extermination of humanity. During the battle against Sephiroth the Shinra Company was destroyed, and the planet brought to the brink of returning to stardust.
“My father took his leave from this stage early on, leaving those of us left behind to suffer the nightmares of it. Far from reasonable, wouldn't you say?”
Tseng looked at Rufus, neither denying nor confirming what he has said.
“I am not my father,” Rufus said with a forcefulness in his voice, moving his wheelchair to the window. He could see the people suffering from Geostigma in the square.
“I will bring it to an end, once and for all.”


Elena was standing at the entrance of the woods which stretched out behind the lodge area. The wind, carrying the scent of moss as it breezed through the trees, swayed her short blonde hair.
“Will something just please happen!”
Not the most professional of thoughts, but those were her thoughts nonetheless. She ducked her head slightly, checking to make sure no one had heard her, and started walking. As she made her way along the widely meandering path, the largest building in the resort came into view. Although this 'largest' building was a one-story log cabin which could fit thirty people at the most. It was apparently used as a recreation hall originally. She skipped for the final few steps, and stood before the door which was securely locked from the inside. She pressed a button to the right of the door and rung the buzzer. After a full ten seconds she got an idly response from Throp, a young man her colleague Reno had picked up in the city.
“Miss Elena?”
“Making my rounds! Come on, open up!” Elena ordered, making no effort to hide her frustration. After a brief pause the door opened.
“All clear here, ma'am.”
Throp spoke in an unenthusiastic voice, while fuzzing about his shaggy uncut hair that didn't seemed to have seen water in a while. His massive body, towering over Elena, was as doughy as can be. His stomach made a noticeable mound under his shirt. Not in the least bit cut out for guard detail, but they were short on manpower. This man symbolised the current state of the Shinra Company. Elena weaved her way past the behemoth and stepped inside the cabin, and moving her gaze along a now-routine course she inspected the room. From the left to the right. From the right to the left. Yep, all clear.
Until the previous week this hall had been used as a lab for developing medicines. They were developing a medication to treat one of the symptoms of Geostigma, generalised pain. It was already known that the hypers that the company used to issue to SOLDIER offered some pain relief. The research team analysed the hypers, and successfully synthesised a similar ingredient. With the assistance of the patients in the resort they preformed clinical trials, and at last completed a medicine that could be mass-produced. The manufacturing method was to be provided free of charge to small and large organizations capable of producing it, such as the World Regenesis Organization. It was Elena who proposed this project, and had travelled around to make it a reality. The staff she had cobbled together were all what was left of Shinra's science and chemistry divisions. More than a few of the members of these departments had traded their conscience for a brilliant mind. Elena was wary of leaving them to their own devices, there was no telling what dangerous concoctions they might turn out, so she kept a constant eye on them. But her fears turned out to be unfounded. The researcher who gathered at Healin were devoted and good-hearted. They worked practically night and day without rest, and completed the medicine in an extremely short time. Elena regretted not having trusted them, and on the day they left she expressed her respect and gratitude to each and every one of them.
The majority of the equipment, fixtures and medical apparatus set up in the hall had been packed up, and was piled up against a wall near the entrance. It was going to be donated to those planning to continue their research on Geostigma, and to doctors in Edge and other cities who were treating patients.
On the shelf at the back of the room were the airtight metal cases containing the samples of the medicine. There were two cases, one of which was for the resort's patients. There was a limited number of doses, so it was strictly controlled and records kept when it was given out. The other was to be handed over along with the research reports and manufacturing guide as soon as the WRO was ready.
“Oh, I've already checked all that. It's all fine,” Throp said to Elena as she neared the medicine shelf.
“I've still got to follow procedure.”
“Right, yeah...”
She picked up the distribution record without turning around for Throp's grumbling, and opened the lid of the metal case. Handing out the medicine and recording it was Tseng's, her boss's duty. Tseng's meticulous handwriting formed a line down the page. After checking the column showing the remaining number of doses she compared it against what was in the case. All fine. Next she checked the small thermometer inside the case. The medicine was sensitive to changes in temperature, which alters the effects. Nothing as extreme as rendering it useless or poisonous or anything, but it was confirmed that it dulled the efficiency. It should be remedied soon, but for now it needed careful handling.
“You've been good again today. All fine,” said Elena, making sure Throp could hear her. While she spoke she looked at the other case. On the outside it looked the same, but this one was sealed up with a sticker so the two wouldn't be mixed up.
“This one's also—”
There were signs that the sticker had been removed at least once.
“Throp, did you touch the case?”
“'Course not!”
Throp denied it instantly. Elena took the mobile phone from the holster around her waist, and called her boss.
“Excuse, Tseng, sir? Did you take the sticker off the medicine? The lot that's getting shipped out.”
As she listened to his reply she glanced out of the corner of her eye at Throp, who was looking out of the window with a reproachful look on his face. Why is he looking out the window? Elena made an exaggerated turn and faced her back to him.
“Thought so. Understood, sir!”
She sensed that Throp was inching his way towards the exit. He's underestimated me—no, the Shinra Company as well.
“I'll shoot,” she warned in a low voice. Throp stopped, and ducked his head down.
“Sit down there.”
She motioned with her chin towards a folding break chair, and Throp lazily complied. Using packing rope from the shelves, she fastened the giant's hands and feet to the chair.
“You wait here.”

When she got outside, she started running in a different direction to the small path leading to the lodge area—to the boundary of the wastelands and the forest. The direction Throp had been looking at through the window. The roots of the trees were jutting out from the ground like tripwires. Dodging the roots, Elena ran like a hunting hound through the forest. When she thought about how Throp's accomplice, or maybe even the ringleader, might be up ahead it made her excited. This is how the Turks were meant to be. The medicine development was a project dear to her heart, but that was a special assignment. It's fair enough to work for the sake of the world or for your fellow man, but first and foremost the Turks' duty is to the Shinra Company. They will do whatever it takes to protect the company.
When she was nearing the edge of the forest she found her prey. A chubby man with unsteady footing was about to exit the forest.
The fugitive surprisingly stopped as ordered, and turned around. A young man, dripping with sweat. His wavy hair was stuck to his forehead, and drops of sweat were falling from the tips of his hair. His square, black-rimmed glasses were nearly sliding off his round face. He was wearing a green sweatshirt that he must have thought would work well against the woodland backdrop. His trousers were dark green. However, amongst the rows of pale brown tree trunks it couldn't stand out more. Seeing that pathetic sight took the wind out of Elena's sails.
“Please, just let it go!” shouted the man, bright red in the face. Then he started running again.
“You've got to be kidding me.”
Elena regained her composure and gave chase. He cannot get out of the forest. He must have a vehicle waiting. Wherever he came from, there's no way a man like that walked it through the wastelands.
Just as she was about to catch up to him, her phone rang. When she answered it Tseng's voice was on the other end. She stopped running, and looked at the back of the man in green as he got away. He was frantically running, all the while looking as if he was about to fall over.
“—Yes, sir. I'll return right away.”
Elena sighed as she hung up the phone.


“Now then—” Tseng crouched down on the spot, speaking towards his feet. Now lying on the floor along with the chair, Throp's eyes were darting around the room. Blood from his nose stained the floor.
“Where does this Fabio Brown live?”
2015/09/20 12:16 AM
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RE: رمان ترکس- حال کودکان خوب است - Deunan - 2015/09/20 12:16 AM

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